
Get started today with a free or paid listing...

Become a part of danceDad’s curated directory, a hub where businesses and talents in the performing arts sector come to shine. Our structured listing options offer a platform to showcase your unique offerings, connect with the right audience, and grow your brand. Choose a plan that suits you and start your journey to success.

Free Starter Listing

Starter Includes:

Spotlight Listing

Spotlight Includes:

The UK's No.1 Performing Arts Directory

Discover the perfect plan to showcase your business in the performing arts sector. Whether you operate from a physical location or predominantly online, we have the right package to help you connect with your audience and grow your presence. Explore our tailored plans below and take the first step towards amplifying your business.

Our Directory Plans

Showcase Starter - Your Online Presence Amplified

Perfect for businesses looking to increase their online visibility (Free)


Showcase Spotlight - Elevate Your Business Above The Competition

The premium choice for businesses aiming to dominate the digital market (£35 per year billed annually).


FAQs on Online Directories and Reviews

In today’s digital age, online visibility is paramount for any business or individual seeking to establish a strong presence and build credibility. Online directories and reviews play a pivotal role in shaping perceptions, driving engagement, and influencing decisions. Whether you’re a seasoned professional in the performing arts or a budding talent, understanding the nuances of online listings and the impact of reviews can be a game-changer. Dive into our comprehensive FAQ section to discover the myriad benefits of online directories, the transformative power of reviews, and the unique advantages of being a part of the danceDad community.

Listing in an online directory enhances your business’s online visibility, making it easier for potential customers to find you. It also provides a platform for customers to leave reviews, which can influence others’ purchasing decisions.

Directories often rank well on search engines. By listing your business, you can leverage their SEO strength, making your business more visible in search results.

Many online directories – including danceDad – offer free listings, making it a cost-effective way to increase your online presence. Even paid options often offer a good return on investment due to increased visibility and customer engagement.

Online reviews provide social proof, build trust and credibility, enhance online visibility, and directly impact sales. They influence almost two-thirds of shoppers’ purchasing decisions.

Positive reviews can improve your ranking on search engines and social media platforms. A one-star improvement on platforms like Yelp can boost sales by 5% to 9%.

Engage with all reviews, address concerns, apologize if necessary, and offer solutions. This approach can improve your brand image and potentially turn a dissatisfied customer into a loyal one.

danceDad is tailored for the performing arts community, ensuring that your listing reaches a targeted and relevant audience. It’s a niche platform that understands the unique needs of performers, schools, and businesses in the performing arts sector.

danceDad offers both free and premium listings, with premium listings allowing for images, videos, and other enhanced features. The platform also provides options for physical addresses or online presence, catering to various needs.

danceDad is more than just a directory. It’s a community platform that offers resources, guides, and support tailored to the performing arts sector. By listing with DanceDad, you’re joining a community that champions and supports the arts.