Our calendar now has has dance events by region, making it easier to find Competitions, Conventions, Masterclasses and Intensives close to you.

With UK dates listed in 13 regions as well as International opportunities, it’s never been easier to locate your favorite dance events by region.

Events In The UK

dance events by region

Find out when your favorite competition or convention is in your area by choosing your region from the menu… From the Scotland to the South East and Northern Ireland to the East of England, it’s never been easier to find that event.

So whether you’re looking for a regional CYD?  date, a Louie Spence Masterclass or one of our many amazing comps or intensives, look no further than our new events by region list.

Hosting An Event?

Remember if you’re hosting an event it’s easy to get it added to dancedad.co.uk. Email us at [email protected], tag us into your socail media post or fill in our simple online form and we’ll get it added ASAP!