There are more opportunities than ever for dancers to gain experience in performance, TV and Modelling. The first step in getting your name in the frame is to create your own dance CV to send to prospective agencies… Here’s our step by step guide on what to include.

Things to Include on Your Dance CV

Executive Profile

This is your opening snippet. State things like your age, how long you’ve been dancing and where you are at currently. It’s also a good idea to state your height as this can have a bearing on whether you get a part- in a theatre performance, for instance. Also put on paper what your goals are, long term and in terms of the work and opportunities you are looking for at the moment (dance, modelling, TV work etc).

Dance Career

Include the schools and studios you have danced with and where it has taken you. What kind of training have you done and what disciplines are you capable with – have you any formal qualifications?

If you have undertaken any roles/ performances or ambassordorships then put a brief description including dates here too.


List your awards, certificates and special mentions. Don’t be shy or hold back – put down anything you can think of and celebrate your achievements to stand out in the crowd!


It’s important to include your formal education as well – the schools/ colleges you have attended with dates and subject/ courses you are studying too.

Skills and Interests

Put down all your relatable hobbies and skills. You might be brilliant at hair and makeup or remembering monologues. If you’re ace on camera then you could even put the link to your you tube channel.

Contact Details

Obvious I know, but don’t undo all that hardwork by using an old phone number or email by mistake! Also if you’re under the age of 18 then make sure your contact is a parent/ guardian if it’s not an agent.

Creating Your Dance CV

You can use many word processing or publishing software to create your resume. If you’re stuck for ideas take a look at which is a great online tool. Search the templates for something that appeals – the basic version is free too!

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